From Within: Unlock your next Level
Day 1: Your personality analysis
The focus of the first day is to get you into the right mode psychophysically. In most cases, this means toning down the “doing” mode of a busy everyday life to make room for the “being” mode. That may sound banal. But experience shows that the exercises that we go through together - which you can later replicate in everyday life - are unfamiliar to many people.
In this process, you will get to know your peers from a side that will enable you to gain trust in no time at all in order to ensure security, inner peace and openness in this group.
To start, we give you our driver ego model, which allows you to generate a structured understanding of your personality with its light and dark sides. This is an important basis for joint explorations with your peers. You will find out how you affect others, what they perceive about you and how they assess you as a person, intuitively and informed by the model. You learn to better understand and assess your actions in combination with emotions.
This first mirror usually contains fundamental insights that will accompany you over the next few days. On this basis, you can better classify and understand the challenges of everyday (work) life in order to work specifically on your mindset and behavior as a manager as the retreat progresses. We provide technical input and help you develop and understand your profile and generate initial important insights.
Day 2: Beliefs, saboteurs, purpose
On this day we take up the findings of the first day and deepen them on an emotional level.
You will gain essential insights into deep-seated beliefs and drivers in life. This creates transparency for yourself, which strengthens and inhibits you as a person and leader. We deal with harmful thought patterns (“saboteurs”) that prevent us from achieving important goals through unconscious self-manipulation and instead create avoidance mechanisms. In partner exercises you will learn to see and work on your individual thought constructs and perception filters more clearly.
Together with your peers, you will also work on your “life purpose”. What may sound exalted to some ears is, for us humans, an important driver of satisfaction and therefore a building block of resilience. You define your vision for yourself in life, professionally and privately, in fluid connection. You will come into contact with the feeling of resonance that comes to you as soon as you are “on purpose”, in your power. Who are you, detached from your beliefs, conditioning and expectations?
In deep neural process work, a core element of our scientific work, you integrate cognitive insights with unconscious emotional and thought patterns. Through this work in pairs, you have the opportunity to psychophysically integrate what you have learned on a conscious, cognitive as well as a subconscious, emotionally influenced level. Acceptance on the one hand, a targeted “track of change” on the other are typically the result of your hard work.
Day 3: Self-image of leadership, leadership roles and behavior, communication
On this day, we will deepen our insights into your individual leadership style and demands based on your personality analysis. We also address the question of leadership qualities and suitable team models. Using leading scientifically established approaches, techniques and interactive exercises, you will reflect on your leadership behavior from the perspective of various situations.
We will also address the topic of power and its different forms. You explore your “power character” and test yourself in a playful way.
In this context, verbal and non-verbal communication plays an important role in your leadership behavior. In this guided session from the perspective of professional profiling, we go into in-depth behavior and communication analysis. You will discover your “inner parts” based on leading models, an important tool in modern psychology. Get to know your “inner team” this way. With the help of the so-called “transactional analysis” you will take a close look at yourself, your leadership personality and the specific relationships in your daily (working) life.
Day 4: Authentic leadership strategies and conflict management
A big question of our time is how we can live authentically and at the same time meet the demands of roles and environments. Especially in business, managers reach their limits. The sooner you start to take a deeper look at this question, the sooner you will learn to identify the situational relevance (what do you accept, what do you change) and fundamentally find a mode in which you can “genuinely” feel yourself? feel, even if you fit in with external expectations.
How it works? Together we generate an understanding of the role of empathy, based on self-love (“self-compassion”). On this day, get to know your “different authenticities” - because there are different facets for every person. You will name them and identify associated inner conflicts. Because before we look at the topic of conflicts in everyday life, it is important to know your internal playing fields.
The outside is often a mirror of what we experience and deal with inside. You work on your conflict behavior in simulations and partner exercises. With the help of our feedback and that of your peers, you will set new strategies for situations that currently do not always end optimally for you due to their conflict content. You will also further develop your personal leadership style and learn how to meet your employees where they are in order to lead them to the required results.
Day 5: Balance and resilience
In conjunction with your driver ego profile (see day 1), we give you input for your psychophysical stability. What creates balance for you? Balance of what? And what does resilience mean to you individually? This is particularly important because we humans are different. This means that you will discover individual paths to a resilient everyday life for yourself. In addition, we talk about proven resilience measures that can really be integrated into everyday business, which we have refined and optimized over many years of working with coaching customers, so that you benefit just as much from long-term applications as from those that are designed for the difficult moment are conceptualized situationally.
You learn to reactivate your resources according to your needs in general, as a “type”, and situationally. One of the things that helps here is process work conducted in pairs, which applies a kind of neurobiological reprogramming to difficult moments. We combine cognition with emotional work. Because resilience does not follow a mathematical formula, but requires trying out and solidifying. With the support of your peers, you can develop a practical plan for balance in everyday life (Being | Doing) with the aim of reducing stress and confidently mastering even critical situations with a cool head.
Day 6: Appearance and impact
On the last day we will bring your inner self to visible radiance on the outside! From the perspective of your work, especially your non-verbal appearance, you understand better what others perceive about you and what effect this creates on them - individually. With our professional support, you will learn to bring to light sides that you have not previously shown often or sufficiently. Here too, a situational consideration is necessary. Methods from embodiment as well as findings on a neurobiological basis help. You will slip into different roles and experiment. This gives you a much more refined feeling for your impact on the outside, you get to know certain basic patterns of colors, shapes and structures and you gain insights into your neurobiologically authentic appearance with all its sub-forms, which vary from moment to moment.
To be clear: It's not about looks or fashion, it's about appearance and impact. And we demand a lot from you in the protected practice room with your peers in order to confidently master challenging situations both inside and outside.
At the end of our retreat, you will set a clear vision for yourself and your (working) life and develop the necessary commitments for this. You will also consciously decide which things you need to let go of in your current life in order to live more easily and more “on purpose”. You team up with a commitment partner who will be at your side as your future core soul sister. And you on hers.