Female Empowerment Coaching

Do you want to become even more successful and know how to fully develop your leadership qualities? Our female empowerment coaching shows you what powers lie dormant within you and how you can awaken them. The inner strength is already dormant within you and is just waiting to come to light and be used in your business. But how does that work? In our coaching sessions by women for women, you will work with us as experienced coaches to find out what really matters to you in life and what makes you successful. Our retreats are based on scientifically based findings and are a holistic approach to change in your life.

Individual support, an appreciative environment and motivation ensure that you can achieve your desired goals. We would be happy to show you how to activate the 4 poles of power for yourself and you from now on

  • love yourself and don't compare
  • visibly move and gain integrity
  • feel confident and live out your desire for power
  • you choose creative, motivating leadership.

Regardless of whether you want to start over or make even more of your successful life - our women's coaching is your stable foundation. “Female empowerment” is more than a term. In every phase of your life you have the chance to reposition yourself and learn the basics in our coaching for women.

  • Tailored specifically for women

  • Empowerment & self-confidence

  • Individual coaching & support

Who will be?

Dr. Maria Meiler & Caroline Höllein- We share a passion for supporting great women with their unique strengths and talents on their journey. Our Female Power Retreats are about you, our heroine.

We don't fit into any box, because we have reinvented ourselves several times in life and tried out a wide variety of paths for ourselves - leaving some and successfully pursuing others with a lot of courage. What sets us apart is our ability to identify the causes and connections of challenges in business and to focus on people and their needs.

We are united by the desire for challenges, new experiences and the effervescence of life. At the same time, we seek depth, peace and valuable human connections. We question ourselves, the world and our purpose in this life. 

  • From Within: Shine Brighter Than Ever

    Our live retreats for established women who want to make even more of their successful lives

    More info 
  • From Within: Unlock Your Next Level

    Our live retreat for aspiring female talents to boost their careers and lives

    More info 
  • Negotiate Your Way

    The live & online training for women who want to gain a deep understanding of the topic of negotiation and develop their own, successful style

    More info 

Empowerment Coaching: Become the best version of yourself

In mixed coaching, women are often disadvantaged and have little chance of asserting themselves against the “top dogs”. We offer you special women’s coaching, which is carried out in small groups. You will meet like-minded people, be accompanied by your female empowerment coaches and learn with and from the other retreat participants and share your own experiences. Before we started empowerment coaching, we spent many years developing leadership skills ourselves. This means you benefit from our experience and can be sure that you will be taken seriously in your (female) leadership position and will be completely successful.

As a woman, you have several advantages in a leadership position that will allow you to outperform your male competitors. If you know how to balance your empathy and emotionality with your rational mind, you will quickly be very successful. Concentrated female power awaits you in our programs. Our goal is to show you the strengths you already have and to put them into practice. They are just small adjustments that open up new paths for you and give you the chance to express your female empowerment. As an experienced female empowerment coach, it is a matter close to our hearts to guide you on this path and show you your strengths.

Self-confident and successful: Female empowerment as the key to success

After coaching for women, you can use your time more effectively and profitably. It doesn't matter whether you want to become more skilled at negotiating or run your own business. Are you already successful, could you actually retire and still want to continue making an impact in this world? Then Senior Female Leadership Coaching is interesting for you. Our female empowerment coaching is aimed at all women who want to achieve something and who have already achieved something and want to build on it.

In addition to the advantages in business, our women's coaching will also help you advance personally. Strengthen mental and physical strength in empowerment coaching that gives you an advantage in all areas of life. Only when you have found your inner balance and are balanced can you really achieve something in life. The path to get there is challenging, but with targeted and personal coaching you will take it. Even during the coaching you will be amazed at the strength you have and what you can do. Now it's all about developing these skills and helping you free yourself from self-doubt and negative beliefs. You can only win and become stronger if you believe in yourself and your abilities.

  • From Within: Shine Brighter Than Ever

    Our live retreats for established women who want to make even more of their successful lives

    To the product 
  • From Within: Unlock Your Next Level

    Our live retreat for aspiring female talents to boost their careers and lives

    To the product 

Get inspired: Coaching for women and strong personalities

You are probably wondering why our female empowerment coaching is ideal for your personal development and your female leadership skills. If you want to advance in your career or start a company, a retreat with us is your career booster. Do you notice that you sometimes become insecure in negotiations and don't always communicate confidently? Then we are there for you as a female empowerment coach and will show you how and how you can conduct absolutely safe negotiations even with clever men and achieve your goals.

You can expect special coaching for women, where you will meet like-minded people and strengthen your skills. You learn to love yourself and assert your will despite difficulties. At the beginning of our retreats you look "in the mirror" and notice what you are not yet 100 percent satisfied with and perhaps what is standing in the way of full fulfillment in your life. Rely on the fact that the group is a “safe haven” - we select all participants in preliminary discussions and put together harmonious groups.

frequently asked Questions

How can a female empowerment coach help me reach my potential?

In Female Empowerment Coaching you learn to love yourself and not see your desire for power as a blockage. There is a lot of potential within you that just wants to be awakened and used. We bring 100 percent of our experience into women's coaching and you benefit from it.

What topics are covered in coaching for women and how do I find out what is right for me?

If you are unsure about negotiations, our negotiation training can help you become firmer and more confident. If you want to start a company, you will learn at the Female Talent Retreat how to start and run your company correctly from the start. Is success important to you even if you have already achieved a lot? No problem, we offer you a retreat for senior female leadership.

What are the most important benefits I can achieve with empowerment coaching?

The biggest advantage is that you can apply all the strategies you learned in female empowerment coaching in business and in everyday life. We will guide you on the path to your inner center and you will find out how easy it can be to assert yourself and be successful. All participants in your group are women who want to improve their quality of life a little more.

  • Linda Gesterkamp


    “The Female Power Retreat managed to give me back my humor and lightness, without me previously knowing how much I was missing them. It gave me back a piece of my personality and taught me to use it for myself in everyday situations. You can feel a strong energy that gives me lasting warmth and confidence for my daily activities. The retreat managed to give me an inner compass that shows me the swings of my happiness and lets me control them.”

  • Veronika Pagacz


    “In their four-day leadership retreat, Caroline and Maria managed to challenge me on the one hand to overcome my personal limitations, while at the same time strengthening me and opening up new perspectives. Each in their own individual, empathetic and inspiring way, based on scientific findings, an inexhaustible wealth of experience from the entrepreneurial world and sound coaching skills. I can only warmly recommend the Female Power Retreats to every manager and every entrepreneur who wants to develop personally, maybe also push their own boundaries and grow beyond themselves - and don't want to miss out on lightness and humor at the same time."

  • Andrea Leitner


    “I found the entire program in its many facets to be very exciting and “eye-opening” - starting with the intensive process work, the disclosure and processing of my beliefs and the deep insights into the topic of “performing and working”. I initially found the emotional opening in the group to be hard, but the special place, the openness, freedom from judgment and positive energy of the other power women, as well as the empathetic and supportive support from Maria and Caroline, enabled me to go beyond my own limits to recognize new options and create real changes. My conclusion: Life changing – if you are open to it and get involved with it!”

  • Jutta Horstmann


    “Maria and Caroline bring a unique mix of scientifically based knowledge and entrepreneurial experience. Paired with certified coaching skills and a lot of warmth, this creates the magical formula for a transformative experience at your retreats. After the retreat, I felt like I had fallen into a magic potion of positive reinforcement and appreciation. Very strengthened and energized, but also more balanced and more at peace within myself. A big thank you to the coaches and the amazing participants who helped me grow.”

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